New Post: Freak-Sheet Friday!!

Hey guys!

It’s Halloween weekend! Hope you enjoy some yummy treats and scary fun! Here’s some cool stuff I found on the interwebs this week:

But of course, the HILARIOUS Melissa McCarthy is the new Queen of Comedy!!

Tatyana Ali’s show “Love that Girl” fat shames Erica Watson!

Also from The Frisky, great Curvy Coats for this season

How to love your body….so simple really!

How Plus Size Characters are changing TV

Marie Claire urges women to LOVE THEIR BODIES!!!

Oh I would SO buy a plus size Barbie!

Ahem…I’ve been saying this for the longest!!! Weight has NOTHING to do with health!

Here’s a sneak peek of the new show Curvy Girls!

And finally….What can happen when we use the word fat?


Have an amazing weekend!!



Freak-Sheet Friday!!



TGIF Lovelies!

Hope you all are doing awesome!  Here’s some sweet linkage just for YOU!


Vogue has the Elena Miro Collection, and it’s beautiful!

Crystal Renn is has lost some weight, and everyone’s making a fuss about it

Thank you Sherri!!! Yes you CAN get freaky at any size!

Melissa McCarthy is starting a plus size clothing line! Wohoo!

And the brand new video release of Adele’s Someone Like You

Have an amazing weekend!!!

